Lynton IPL

(Intense Pulse Light)



Lynton IPL (Intense Pulse Light) Skin Rejuvenation treatments utilise the power of light energy in specific wavelengths to effectively target discolouration in the skin to create a more even looking complexion, whilst at the same time also stimulating fibroblast activity to produce new collagen and elastin to subtly improve the texture of the skin.

Lynton IPL Skin Rejuvenation treatments target pigmented lesions such as sunspots, age spots & freckles on the face, neck, décolletage, hands & body creating a more flawless, youthful & glowing appearance.



Rejuvenation illumiFacial (Full face)
60 minutes

The illumiFacial treatment can address the aspects of premature ageing due to its ability to promote fibroblast activity, subtly restructure collagen within the skin, and to even out areas of uneven and mottled pigmentation and broken thread vessels. In combination with a specially selected formulation of acids, the illumiFacial treatment utilises our medical grade IPL and results in a fresher, flawless complexion, softer, smoother skin with a reduction in open pores and leaving a healthy glow.

Pigmentation (Face, Neck & Décolletage)
75 minutes
$499 $475

Pigmentation (Full Face)
30 minutes
$299 $250

Pigmentation (Half Face)
15 minutes
$199 $150

Pigmentation (Décolletage)
45 minutes

Pigmentation (Neck)
30 minutes

Pigmentation (Full Arm)
60 minutes

Pigmentation (Hands)
30 minutes

Pigmentation (Single Lesion)
10 minutes

Other areas available on request



Facial red veins, spider veins or telangiectasia are tiny blood vessels (capillaries) that run close to the skin’s surface. They look like thin red or occasionally purple or blue threads that often occur around the nose, across the cheeks and on the chin. The resulting red, web-shaped appearance gives them their common name - spider veins. Vascular lesions emerge when the blood vessels become enlarged which causes the veins to appear broken.

Using our medical-grade Lynton IPL - light energy is applied to the skin where it is readily absorbed by blood vessels, heating them to a point where they are destroyed. Following treatment, the vessels quickly clear as they are reabsorbed by the body, leaving little or no trace of the original lesion.

Typically 3 to 5 treatments are needed for optimum results -though small lesions may clear in just a single session. Repeat treatments are spaced every 4 to 6 weeks.



Vascular IPL (Full Face)
30 minutes

Vascular IPL (Cheeks)
20 minutes

Vascular IPL (Nose)
15 minutes

Vascular IPL (Single Lesion)
15 minutes